Clydesdale revamps product range | Mortgage Strategy


Clydesdale Bank has launched 13 new mortgage products and has made rate changes to its range of fixed rate deals.

The vast majority of these changes have increased rates, although two products have seen a modest rate cut.

These include Clydesdale’s five-year fix (up to 75 per cent LTV) which has seen rates shaved from 1.85 to 1.65 per cent. 

The rate charged on Clydesdale’s BTL two-year fix (up to 75 per cent LTV) has also reduced modestly, from 2.84 per cent to 2.79 per cent. 

However the bank has imposed more significant rate increases on its ‘professional’ mortgage range. Rates on its two year fix (available up to 90 per cent LTV)  have increased from 2.07 per cent to 3.06, while the same product available up to 85 per cent LTV has seen rates rise from 2.04 per cent to 3.01 per cent. 

Among the new products available are a new exclusive two year fix at 1.19 per cent. This is  available up to 75 per cent LTV with a £1,999 fee.

Clydesdale is also offering in its BTL range a two-year fix (up to 60 per cent LTV) at 1.69 per cent. This comes with a £999 fee. It is also offering a BTL five year fix (up to 60 per cent LTV) at 2.49 per cent. This comes with a £1,999 fee.

Other new products cover residential two and five-year fixes, professional and ‘newly qualified’ professional loans, again on a fixed rate basis,  as well as offset discounted loans.

The new mortgage deals will be available from 27 November, with all rate changes effective from 8pm from 26 November. 

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