Former State Senator Sentenced For Making False Statement | Mortgage Fraud Blog


Wesley T. Bishop, 52, New Orleans, Louisiana was sentenced to four years of probation for making a false statement.

Bishop admitted to knowingly and willfully making a false, material statement to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) in connection with rental property that he owned.

As explained by FBI New Orleans Special Agent in Charge Bryan Vorndran, “Former State Senator Bishop made false statements on HUD paperwork which resulted in Bishop receiving a forgivable $188,000 loan under the “road home” program.”

Pursuant to the plea agreement, Bishop has agreed to pay restitution of $188,000 to the State of Louisiana, Division of Administration, Office of Community Development, which administers the subject Small Rental Property Program on behalf of HUD.  In addition to probation, Bishop has been ordered to pay a $100.00 special assessment fee.

U.S. Attorney Peter G. Strasser made the announcement.

U.S. Attorney Strasser praised the work and tireless efforts of the HUD Office of Inspector General and the FBI in investigating, and of Assistant United States Attorney Andre J. Lagarde in prosecuting this matter.