The new definition of dream home


So many people are actively searching for their dream home right now. And they’re frustrated. And understandably so. After all, home and condo inventory is at historic lows. Prices are rising. And the competition from other buyers is off the charts. 

The future of real estate

The thing is, as we consider the future of real estate, we see more scarcity in the years ahead. With fewer foreclosures entering the market, with fewer homes and condos being built, with fewer people choosing to sell, and with our population continuing to grow, we're expecting low home and condo inventory for years to come. 

(Which is why we continue to believe, despite historically high prices, that owning real estate will continue to be one of the best ways around for building wealth.)

Adjusting your perspective is the key to buying in 2022

So, if you’re a buyer who is frustrated by our low inventory market, the question becomes, what do you do in a market like this? 

The answer is: adjust your perspective. By realizing that finding your dream home isn’t about finding the perfect home at the perfect price. It’s about finding the home that will help you build a better life. 

Or, put another way, it’s not about finding the home that checks all of your boxes. It’s about finding the home that checks most of them. 

So, even if the home you buy doesn't check all of your boxes, it can be reassuring to know that your new home will help you build a better life. And it will help you create a better financial future, too. 

By taking good care of your home, by paying down the principal on your mortgage, and by seeing your home's value appreciate over time, you can start building equity right now that will help you move up to your next home a few years down the line.

This is the perspective that many of our clients are adopting in 2022, and it’s this mindset that’s helping them succeed in this year’s market. They’re choosing to adjust their expectations for their dream home, and they’re moving forward with life.