Artificial Reef Deployment off Jupiter Inlet


The Andrew "Red" Harris Foundation is pleased to announce that the 2021 artificial reef project has begun with the implementation of the initial of five 500-ton barge loads of huge 8' long concrete tunnels offshore of the Jupiter inlet! This year's project benefits from Forterra's donation of 2500 culverts valued at $450,000 to the Andrew "Red" Harris Foundation.  The coral replicas will range in size up to 8 feet tall, wide and deep. We are going to build beautiful Bahama-like reefs off Jupiter and Juno!

The culverts, aka tunnels, are presently being trucked and staged for loading on barges that will begin deploying a mile off the Jupiter inlet early this summer. The trails will be built at a concentration of one 8' 18-24" inside diameter duct per foot, so there will be huge habitat created on the trails as well!  The ocean current will quickly interact with the culverts and scour off the thin sand layer that covers the ancient sub bottom ridge of travertine-like bedrock our site is located on top of re-exposing the natural rock between our culverts and limestone boulders. Marine life will swiftly return to the re-exposed rock on the ocean floor. Eventually recreating the thriving reef that existed on the site centuries ago. 

Local Jupiter area divers and fisherman will notice GPS coordinates listed on the website. Your support of the foundation and raising awareness in offshore area reefs is greatly appreciated!