New round of mortgage rate rises at Clydesdale Bank | Mortgage Strategy


Clydesdale Bank is advising mortgage brokers of several rate increases on it’s residential and buy-to-let products.

Rates will rise by the highest amount on two- and five-year fixes at 90% LTV for loans of £600k to £1m; these will increase by 0.32%

Select 75% to 90% LTV two- and five-year fixes will rise by 0.09%, while rates on two-and five-year fixes over £1m, between 65% to 85% LTV will climb by 0.16%.

The rate changes apply as of 8pm tonight, 3 May 2022 and end dates for the products move to 31 July of the relevant year.

Last month Clydesdale announced rate rises on a series of other mortgage products in its range..  

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