National Fruitcake Day Palm Beach County


Have you ever been called a “nutty fruitcake”? Today is National Fruitcake Day, December 27, and we celebrate the holiday favorite and every “nutty fruitcake” person you know! It is a day for fruitcake lovers to delight in the charms of the world’s most misunderstood cake. Palm Beach County residents can revel in a special day of holiday cake joy!

Made with chopped candied or dried fruit, nuts, and spices and sometimes soaked in spirits, fruitcake has been a holiday gift-giving tradition for many years. It is a cake that is a boozy, chewy, rich amalgam of dried fruit, nuts, and sugar, saturated with your favorite alcohol, most commonly brandy or bourbon. That produces a dense, sweet, and textured treat served around the holidays.

Fruitcakes date way back as they have been found in an ancient Egyptian tomb. Dating back to ancient Rome, one of the earliest known recipes lists pomegranate seeds, pine nuts, and raisins mixed into barley mash. Records indicate that in the Middle Ages, makers added honey, spices, and preserved fruits

Fruitcake is a polarizing dessert. People love it or hate it. People who dislike holiday cakes have a special day as well. Shortly after National Fruitcake Day is Fruitcake Toss Day. January 7th was created to get rid of leftover Christmas fruitcakes. The result is a joy for both sides, those who enjoy fruitcake and others who do not like the cake!