Half way to 1,000


With the writing of this article, I've now clicked the "publish" button 500 times on this blog, which amounts to about one article a week over the last 10 years. My first article was nothing to write home about, and I've published a lot of suspect articles since then. And no doubt there are plenty of unremarkable articles in my future. 

What I've learned, though, is that writing as a daily habit has been beneficial to me in many ways. That's because writing has forced me to ask questions, to think, to research, to struggle, and most importantly, to publish. Being willing to step into this process day after day and week after week has helped me to clarify my philosophies and beliefs -- and to stand for something. 

I believe I'm a better businessperson because I've been willing to venture into new territory and learn from my practice. And I know from my first 500 articles that I'll continue to learn for as long as I keep it up.  

Is there a daily practice that you've been meaning to start? I believe you have everything to gain by going for it. You probably won't become the best in your field at what you do, but that's not the point. If you stick with it, though, you most assuredly will grow in some unexpected and fulfilling ways, and what a great reason to start...