The ValPal Network launches Before You Go tool | Mortgage Introducer


It encourages prospective sellers and landlords to fill in their contact details before leaving the valuation page.

If the prospect tries to close the valuation page before filling out their information, an ‘In a hurry?’ tab appears, encouraging them to fill in their details to be contacted later.

Craig Vile, director at The ValPal Network, said: “As with any marketing campaign, you’re going to have some people bounce from the online valuation page, whether they get distracted or don’t want to part with their personal details at that point of the process.

“We now have a solution for both reducing the bounce rate with the ‘Before You Go’ sliders while allowing agents to make the most of every opportunity with our incomplete valuation data leads.

“We see the ‘Before You Go’ sliders as the first step, encouraging consumers who try to leave the process to fill in their details before leaving.

“If we can’t capture the contact details, we still have their address which we can pass on to the agent to target by cross-referencing and canvassing.

“The feedback from our members on incomplete valuation data has so far been phenomenal and that’s why want to provide yet another way for agents to gather customer information with the ‘Before You Go’ sliders.”