Mortgage industry teams up to launch mental health charter | Mortgage Strategy


A number of mortgage firms have come together to launch a ‘Mortgage Industry Mental Health Charter’ (MIMHC), an employee-focussed non-profit organisation.

Founders Crystal Specialist Finance, Coreco, Chartwell Mortgage Services, Landvay, Brightstar Group, Knowledge Bank and SimplyBiz Mortgages have designed the MIMHC to work as a resource to help businesses manage the mental health of their staff through reference material and practical support.

Every firm that signs the charter must agree to commit to the following:

  • To develop mental health awareness among employees using activities and advocacy.
  • To encourage open conversations about mental health and the support available to employees who may be struggling.
  • To provide employees with good working conditions that encourage a healthy work life balance and opportunities for development.
  • To promote effective people management through line managers and ensure there is a focus on physical and mental wellbeing as well as performance.
  • To routinely monitor employee mental health and wellbeing through surveys and regular contact with managers.
  • To have a named contact for mental health support.

Knowledge Bank chief executive Nicola Firth comments: “We are incredibly proud to be co-founders of the MIMHC.

“The help that this initiative will provide will be far reaching, giving both companies and individuals a point of reference for valuable materials and guidance.

“We’re committed to making the path to both providing and receiving help with regards to mental health issues as easy as possible.”

National mental health day took place on 10 October.

Other firms making this a highlight of their operations include Just Mortgages, which has come up with a scheme to help self-employed brokers with these issues if they so wish.

Each self-employed broker will be given access to a 24-hour helpline and can attend six free counselling sessions each year through Health Assured.

Just Mortgages training manager Sian Musial comments: “The statistics show most of us, at some point in our lives, will struggle with our mental health, and we want to create a culture where people feel they can ask for the support they need.

“It’s really important that the advice and support provided comes from outside of Just Mortgages. We do have trained mental health first-aid members of staff, but in addition we want our brokers to have the option to speak to someone separate to the organisation in complete confidence.

“The help doesn’t need to be in any way related to work, it’s all about providing care for the individual. All the support is also available to the brokers’ families, as so often when one person is struggling, it will have an impact on those closest to them.”

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