Protection Guru launches claims hub | Mortgage Introducer


The hub brings together data from 16 different insurance companies to provide advisers with a single destination in order to assess a wide range of claims related information.

It is designed to provide claims information to help advisers have more informed conversations with clients and provide them with the collateral to help handle some of the most common objections relating to insurers not paying out.

The claims hub is available free of charge to advisers and can be accessed from the Protection Guru site.

Robert Harvey, protection product specialist at Protection Guru, said: “As the market aims for ever greater transparency on claims and claims data, advisers can find themselves inundated with reports, marketing emails and infographics, which inevitably often get lost or forgotten about.

“Our claims hub brings everything together in a single resource, including claims statistics, processes and stories.

“By providing advisers with detailed claims data, from the headline payout rates through to age of claimants, average payout amounts, length of claims and reasons for claim rejection, we ultimately hope to drive better protection conversations.”