Mortgage Brain enhances lender insights offering | Mortgage Introducer


The anonymised information allows lenders to delve into all product changes that have taken place in the past 24 hours to 30 days, the most popular broker searches, and a comparison of search volumes.

The information is available for both residential and buy-to-let (BTL) products and the reports can be exported enabling additional modelling to be undertaken.

The enhanced insights offer provides lenders with more options when drilling down into this data, allowing them to search by criteria, category or topic.

Results will show details of the total searches, as well as the proportion of searches it accounts for, while users will even be able to access the granular detail of how many clicks a single piece of criteria has had from the mortgage brokers using Criteria Hub to help identify appropriate lenders for their clients.

Neil Wyatt, sales and marketing director at Mortgage Brain, said: “The lender insights service is a fantastic offering, providing lenders with unparalleled levels of data about criteria changes across the market and trends among broker searches.

“This information is invaluable for lenders, allowing them to identify where there may be an opportunity to adjust their own lending strategy.

“Ultimately brokers and borrowers are the big beneficiaries, as it means that lenders are able to adapt and fill those gaps in the market, ensuring that borrowers enjoy far more options irrespective of why they need a mortgage.”