Welcome aboard Jake Johnson!


We're excited to announce that Jake Johnson has joined our team as a full-time and full-service realtor! Jake brings with him 15 years of experience in customer service and people-focused industries, while serving 10 of those years in leadership roles. 

Jake is a former client of our team, so he knows all about our focus on community, relationships, and real estate. He has a strong work ethic, a knack for building positive relationships, and a sincere appreciation for mastering the fundamentals of our business -- as he applies them in ways that are authentic to his personality and his strengths. And Jake has certainly hit the ground running, as he's already serving and adding a ton of value to our clients. 

We're grateful to have someone like Jake join our team. He's helping us build a stronger team where everyone benefits through the unique contributions of each individual agent. Just as important, we're excited to see Jake grow his business as he focuses on serving his clients and the larger community.  

Thank you Jake for choosing Mad City Dream Homes and for your enthusiasm for our team! We're looking forward to growing together in 2021 and for many years to come!