LMS launches Secure Link platform upgrade Mortgage Finance Gazette


LMS has launched its Secure Link platform upgrade, which it says completely digitises law-firm-to law-firm communication, including enquiries and document sharing. 

Nick Chadbourne, CEO of LMS June

The conveyancer and panel management firm adds that enhanced hub provides:    

  • Case-specific conversation and task tracking to improve the speed and efficiency of how firms can get updates from other stakeholders  
  • Secure messaging from law firm to law firm  
  • A singular view of the entire case, securely connecting all stakeholders to improve turnaround times while reducing fraud    

The business first launched Secure Link in 2021. 

LMS chief executive Nick Chadbourne says: “Secure Link was originally born out of a need to improve safety and case query turnaround times”.      

He points out that this latest version of the software grew out of “a series of roundtables” held with law firms “to determine what exactly they wanted to see next”. 

Chadbourne adds: “Complete end-to-end communication that simultaneously reduces fraud risk is no mean feat, but it doesn’t stop there – we will continue developing and perfecting our service by integrating other products and working with other third parties such as InfoTrack to enable access for all parties involved in a specific case.”