Outdoor Improvements That Boost Your Homes Curb Appeal


Like a book in the clearance rack with a tattered cover, a home with a run-down exterior won't attract buyers. That’s why you want to make that first impression a great one — and invite buyers to take a look around, instead of moving onto the next listing. Here are outdoor improvements that boost your home’s curb appeal.

Clean Up the Front Porch

It doesn’t matter if you have a grand, sweeping porch, or a concrete step leading to your front door, the exterior entryway can help sell your home. Now's the time for a fresh coat of paint on the front door. Pressure-wash the grime off the porch with a machine you can rent at your local home and garden store, or pay someone to do it. A new welcome mat can cost you $25 or less. Potted flowers and a seasonal wreath add a splash of color and visual interest to the outside of your home. These improvements together can give your home a polished vibe, perfect for prospective buyers.


The lawn is the first thing people see when they drive up to your home. Mow, weed, trim and edge it. Plant a few flowers and mulch the beds. These simple things can affect how long your home sits on the market and the amount of an offer. Even if you’re not an expert green thumb, it's not hard to give your yard a clean, elegant look. The American Society of Landscape Architects suggests you invest about 10% of your home’s value in the landscaping. You’ll recoup up to 20% at the sale. If you don’t have the cash or time, just maintaining the lawn and weeding the flowerbeds can go a long way.

Think Native Species

The Southern fleabane is a cheerful addition to any garden. So are the delicate forked blue curl and the spiky coral bean shrub. All these striking plants are also native to this region of Florida. Not only do they show a little bit of Florida pride, they need less watering and attention than non-native plants. One more benefit? Native plants are eco-friendly and draw pollinators like bees and butterflies to your yard.

Out With the Old, In With the New

We’re not just talking about new buyers. Updating the old hardware on your home’s exterior is a fast, and inexpensive way to give your home a little pop and sizzle. That means replacing the porch light with something trendy such as a barn light-style fixture, or a wall lantern in a black or weathered pewter finish. Your house numbers could also probably use a refresh. Sleek, modern numbers are hot right now, but you can’t go wrong with a more classic font either. Match the finish of your new house numbers to the finish of your new outdoor lighting for a pulled-together appearance.

Boosting your home’s attractiveness doesn’t have to be a big, expensive project. Just a few changes in the right places can make all the difference when buyers come to look — virtually or in person. You want that first impression to be a great one. Whether that means you just have to change out the welcome mat or spend a weekend staging your front porch, it will be worth it when the offers come in.


This article is a guest post written by Bryce Thompson.