Writing and performing stand-up comedy for Wirral Mencap | Dan The Mortgage Man


I never thought I’d be writing and performing stand-up comedy for Wirral Mencap.  In fact, a few years back thr thought of doing anything like that terrified me.  Yet that’s exactly what I’ve just done.

Picture the scene: Mid-June 2019. The heatwave of 2018 is long forgotten. It’s raining.

Boy racers speeding down the strip at New Brighton have been replaced by soggier boy racers aqua-planing down the same stretch.

A Southerner sits proudly amongst a group of Northern businessmen and women at a networking event.

“There are no boy racers on the Wirral!” he’s told.

“Shush!”, he replies, “it’s ruining my narrative!”

“Dan thinks he’s funny,” says Daryl, a man fast approaching a gold medal in the Captain Birdseye lookalike stakes, who was running that particular network meeting, “he should do the Wirral Mencap fundraising thing!”

A hushed silence fell over the room. “Well he LOOKS funny…” someone said, “and he SOUNDS funny when he talks!” said another.

And thus, Dan was thrust into writing a 5-minute comedy set which he then had to perform in front of hundreds, nay, dozens of people (depending how ticket sales went).

As it turned out, the ticket sales went extremely well and the event was a sell-out for the first time.

The stand-up set started at 5 minutes in rehearsals and quickly ended up at the 15-minute mark. Whoops.

And here it is, in full.

If you like it, please donate some money to Wirral Mencap here.

If you hate it, please donate some money to Wirral Mencap here.

And for the record, I bloody loved every second of it!

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Find out more about Dan the Mortgage Man