The Openwork Foundation celebrates its 40th year | Mortgage Introducer


In this time, it has donated £20.8m and helped more than 476,000 vulnerable people.

The Openwork Foundation achieved independent charitable status in 2019, and organises the fundraising and community projects undertaken by the staff and advisers at Openwork.

The money raised, which includes funds matched by the business to create a 50% uplift in donations, has enabled the foundation to make more than 1,500 grants to charities across the UK and overseas.

Openwork Partners, advisers and staff are a major source of income each year and accounted for 70% of income.

The funds raised by the foundation are distributed in the form of charitable grants to national, local, and overseas projects nominated by advisers and staff.

Sam Tesch, manager at The Openwork Foundation, said: “Every year we are blown away by the support the Openwork advisers and staff give to the Foundation and I am incredibly proud of what we have achieved in the past 40 years.

“Last year was particularly challenging for everyone, and we definitely felt it as a charity.

“The generosity from the advisers and staff at Openwork has allowed us to continue to make a difference to the most vulnerable in our communities.

“While many events this year are still unable to go ahead as planned, we have a great calendar of virtual and individual activities for people to get involved with. I’d like to take this opportunity to personally thank everyone for their continued support and kindness.”