Key launches retirement funding tool | Mortgage Strategy


Key Partnership has launched an interactive tool to aid conversations between advisers and their clients about funding their retirement.

It provides a holistic review of a client’s assets including state and private pensions, the value of their home, savings and investments.

Key says that many over-55s fail to realise the difference that their housing wealth could make to their retirement.

Yet the average amount released is equivalent to over eight years of full state pension payments.  

This tool is designed to aid introducers’ in their discussions with clients around property wealth and demonstrate how home owners can use all their assets to fund their retirement.

Key Group business development director Jason Ruse says: “We are seeing strong growth in the equity release market, with the recent Key Market Monitor figures suggesting £1.47bn worth of new borrowing was released in the first half of 2020.  

“However, a significant proportion of people are still not factoring in property wealth when they plan for their retirement which seems wrong when you consider they could release over eight times their annual state pension from their home. 

“To help introducers start these conversations, we have developed this flexible interactive tool that highlights not only what people might expect to spend in retirement but also how all their assets can be used to make their later life more comfortable.  

“Equity release is not right for everyone but including later life lending in retirement conversations only makes sense.”

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