Accord boosts business adviser team | Mortgage Introducer


The team of 12 advisers handle all inbound queries from brokers and are currently providing answers to new lending queries via the Accord webchat service.

The facility enables advisers to check the latest lending policies without having to wait in a phone queue and at the end of the chat, a transcript of the conversation is sent for their files.

The team will now be joined by Lauren Tavernier, who has five years’ experience as a customer services representative for Yorkshire Building Society direct mortgages and Alexandra Bodrozic, who has worked within the mortgage litigation team since November 2018.

Nick Piper, strategic business performance and operations manager, said: “Since our webchat capability was increased back in March, we’ve seen how just how invaluable the support from the BDAs is to brokers trying to get the latest information to help them with new applications.

“Our expert team know our policies and processes inside out and can help brokers get their applications packaged up correctly, ensuring their cases go through first time.

“Given the success of webchat, which last month achieved a customer satisfaction score of 9.2 out of 10, and the volume of queries now coming through, we’re delighted to have Lauren and Alexandra join the team.

“They are already having a significant impact, ensuring we can continue to respond to brokers as quickly and effectively as possible.”