Since Governor Murphy put a stay in place Order in New Jersey, every county Sheriff in New Jersey has either cancelled or suspended scheduled foreclosure sales.
Below is information available on various Sheriff websites from the middle and northern counties of New Jersey as of April 7, 2020: Bergen County – Sales cancelled through April 17. Essex County – Sales suspended indefinitely. Hudson County – Sales cancelled until further notice. Hunterdon County – No sales until further notice. Middlesex County – Sales cancelled until further notice. Monmouth County – Sales cancelled until further notice. Ocean County – Sales cancelled until further notice. Passaic County – Sales suspended until further notice. Somerset County – Sales through April 7 have been adjourned. Sussex County – Sales adjourned for at least 30 days from March 16, 2020.
Union County – Sales suspended unit further notice.
If you are facing a NJ Sheriff Sale, it is important that you continue to check the website of the Sheriff of the County in which your property is located to see when it is rescheduled as it is not guaranteed that you will be given written notice of the new Sheriff Sale date.
It is important to know that if you have not already taken them, once the sale is rescheduled you are entitled to two 28 day adjournments of the Sheriff Sale. The rescheduling will not entitle you to any additional automatic adjournments.
In some cases, filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy before the Sheriff Sale takes place, can help you save your home from foreclosure. New mortgage modification programs may be available as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. A Chapter 13 bankruptcy can give you the time to try to take advantage of those programs. It can also give you time to cure the mortgage arrears. If you file for bankruptcy after the Sheriff Sale you will not be able to cure the mortgage arrears or get a loan modification to save your home.
We Are Here to Help
If you had a Sheriff Sale scheduled for your home, contact us to discuss your options. We understand this is a very difficult time and are here to help. At Levitt & Slafkes, we have over 30 years of valuable experience in helping clients keep their homes. You have options and legal rights, and the last thing you want to do is ignore the situation. Let us assist you. Contact our office today at (973) 323-2953, or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.
We are proudly designated as a debt relief agency by an Act of Congress. We have proudly assisted consumers in filing for Bankruptcy Relief for over 30 years.