Pepper Money and Kensington reprice | Mortgage Strategy


Pepper Money and Kensington have announced pricing and criteria changes across numerous products.

Pepper Money has emailed brokers to let them know that it is withdrawing its residential and buy-to-let range from 6pm tonight in order to reprice. 

The lender says it will be making changes to both criteria and rates, but full details of the new range will not be available until tomorrow at 9am.

Brokers wishing to make use of products in the current range must submit a decision in principle by 6pm this evening and a full application with fees paid by midnight on Wednesday April 21.

Kensignton says it will be withdrawing its buy-to-let range at close of business tomorrow with new deals announced on Friday morning.

Brokers wanting to make use of products in Kensington’s current range must submit a DIP and begin a full mortgage application by 5pm tomorrow.

The full mortgage application must be completed by 5pm on Wednesday April 14.

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