David Whittaker: Housing market has much to look forward to in 2021 | Mortgage Introducer


In the latest of Brightstar’s VLOG series, hosted by group chief executive Rob Jupp, a group of industry experts discussed the status of the market, how it has fared during the pandemic and predictions for 2021.

Joining Jupp and Whittaker on this latest instalment of the VLOG was Adrian Moloney, group sales director of One Savings Bank and Precise Mortgages and Steve Cox, chief commercial officer of Fleet Mortgages.

Whittaker said: “There is much to look forward to over the course of this year.

“The first six months of 2021 will see a lot of purchases and the second half, the buy-to-let market will pick up, as it will be the five year anniversary of new rules imposed on the market, so remortgages will note an uptick.”

Cox agreed that 2021 will be a positive year for the housing market, particularly for the buy-to-let market, and that the momentum seen in the second half of 2020 has continued into 2021 which he expects to continue throughout the year.

Adrian Moloney added: “During the first two months of the year there have been a number of good signs, in regard to the stamp duty extension.”

Moloney and Whittaker outlined that the remortgage market in the second half of the year will likely see the market continue to tick over following the first half, which will be made up of mostly purchases.

You can watch the latest Brightstar VLOG here.