How to Sell a Home Quickly During Coronavirus - Clean Slate


The number of homeowners putting their houses on the market during coronavirus is low, but the shortage in demand is not always leading to a quick sale. Even though new listings are down roughly 29% in comparison to this same time last year, home sellers who want to snag the steady stream of buyers we’re currently seeing and sell their home quickly will need to properly prepare.

To sell a home quickly during coronavirus, your sellers will need to do everything that was required of them pre-Covid 19 plus more. Along with paying attention to curb appeal and staging the property, they’ll have to ensure that the entire interior is clean and sanitary. 

CDC coronavirus protocols must be followed to the letter when allowing buyers into the home. Special attention should be given to potential buyers and their financial situation during these times, so that no time is wasted on someone who won’t be able to get a loan.

Here are some of the best ways to prepare a home to sell quickly during coronavirus.

Clean & De-Clutter the Home

Before you take photos of the home and put the listing on the MLS, clean and sanitize every entryway, room and bathroom. The house should sparkle and send a message right away that it is safe the enter during coronavirus. De-clutter cupboards, pantries and garages. Organize drawers and closets. When you list a clean, fresh and de-cluttered home during coronavirus, you will likely increase its value among buyers who are extra cautious and concerned about catching Covid-19.

Stage the Property

Staging a home to sell has always been important. But, during coronavirus, it helps to deliver a clean and crisp look. Even if your clients decide not to hold open houses or let just any buyer in, a staged home will look better in your listing photos and virtual tour. During coronavirus, it’s time to double down on every best practice you had pre-Covid 19 and ensure the home is even more cleanly and attractive.

Boost Curb Appeal

Before booking a showing, buyers and their agents will be scrutinizing listing photos and satellite images – and they’ll be doing drive-bys. Long before sellers put their homes on the market, therefore, they should update and freshen their exteriors. Stress the importance of curb appeal to your clients and encourage them to spend at least a few days sprucing up the outside of their properties.

Write a Detailed Listing Description

A home’s listing description can often make or break a quick sale. The best listing descriptions will zero in on the key highlights of a home and of the neighborhood the property is in. When you write your listing description, talk about upgrades, views and unique aspects of the home as you would pre-pandemic. But, also remember that during coronavirus, buyers are looking for home features like outdoor gathering spaces, cook’s kitchens, mudrooms and plenty of bathrooms. Make sure you really sell these aspects of your listings if they have them.

Create a Virtual Tour

Virtual tours were pretty much a must before coronavirus, and now that in-person showings are limited, they’re absolutely essential. Through a 3D tour, you can provide detailed information about a home without putting sellers and buyers needlessly into contact if the home isn’t a right fit. The best virtual tours to sell a home quickly have photos of the front and back of the house as well as images of every room in the home. They provide aerial views of the property along with footage of neighboring homes or the community. When you choose a virtual tour company, opt for one that allows for room measurement and provides floor plans.

Vacate the Home

Not all sellers can move out of their home before listing it. But, if they can, it certainly helps to sell the property quickly. Buyers want to scrutinize a potential new house during coronavirus without having to worry about social distancing or catching Covid from a contaminated surface. Showing a vacant home eases the stress that many buyers face today.

Don’t Overprice the Property

To sell a home quickly in any market, be careful not to overprice your listings. Even though there may be little to choose from right now, buyers and their lenders are still being diligent about running comps, performing appraisals and simply evaluating the value in a property. Buyers right now are not desperate. In fact, they may be more likely to jump for a bargain during coronavirus. If you have clients who are pressuring you to overprice, advise them that the big gains of last year are probably not practical right now.

Above all, communicate freely and frequently with your clients to sell a home quickly during coronavirus. With so much changing day to day in many markets, it’s essential to keep communication and ideas open if you’re looking for a fast sale.

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