Spike in renters seeking help as eviction ban ends: Citizens Advice | Mortgage Strategy


Citizens Advice has reported a surge in enquiries in the first four months of this year ahead of the end of the eviction ban in England on Monday.

The charity says that the housing advice pages of its website have been viewed more than 2m times between January and the end of April.

Its data show a 36% increase in the number of people seeking help on matters relating to their privately-rented homes from 23,400 between January and April 2020 to 31,700 in the corresponding period this year.

Enquiries about evictions from private-rented accommodation have also jumped by 17% over the same timefame.

A poll by ICM Unlimited for Citizens Advice also shows that almost one in 10 private renters in the UK are behind on their rent, equating to more than 350,000 tenants.

The average amount of arrears owed has risen by 24% in the last few months from £730 in November 2020 to £907 in April 2021.

Citizens Advice senior housing expert Amy Hughes says that in most cases the changes on Monday do not mean that landlords can immediately evict tenants.

“For most private tenants, only those at the end of a long legal process will face imminent eviction. 

“Then there is still 14 days’ notice before the final stage, which is the bailiffs attending.

“A landlord who carries out or threatens an eviction without following this process is likely to commit a criminal offence.”

She says that tenants who have been issued with a notice seeking possession by their landlord should get advice as to whether that notice is valid and seek help from a housing charity.

“A landlord notice is step one – it doesn’t mean an eviction can go ahead. 

“If the landlord doesn’t follow the process to the letter of the law tenants may be able to successfully fight an eviction. 

“If that’s not possible, a court may make an order for possession. 

“Only when the date set for possession by the court has passed, can the landlord apply for bailiffs to carry out an eviction.

“This stage is also an opportunity for both sides to sort out their differences.”

“There were some circumstances in which evictions were allowed to take place while the ban was in place – including more than six months of rent arrears. 

“But if you are being evicted due to one of these reasons, you will still get 14 days’ notice.”

She says it is vital for tenants to seek advice: “In some cases the local council will have a duty to provide alternative accommodation. 

“Citizens Advice and other housing charities can also help people find an alternative place to live, or even delay the eviction at this late stage.”

The charity is calling on the Westminster government to provide a package of  financial support, delivered through grants and government-backed loans, for renters in England facing arrears due to the economic effects of the pandemic.”

Citizens Advice chief executive Dame Clare Moriarty says: “Next week, the sticking plaster applied to the English private rented sector during the pandemic will be ripped off. 

“Ending the eviction ban puts thousands of renters at risk of losing their home. 

“The government should put in place a system of grants and government-backed loans for renters in England who are still financially struggling because of Covid-19.

“The lack of security renters in England will face from Monday is a symptom of a longer term problem where tenants can be evicted without cause.

“The government has committed to ending no-fault evictions and it’s vital this is urgently enshrined in law in their forthcoming reforms to the private rented sector. “

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