Thank you Chris Venden


Chris Venden first joined our team 10 years ago, due to chance and circumstance, during the last recession - and she's been quietly setting the standard for the rest of us ever since. For the last ten years Chris has been modeling what it means to be a professional and a team player. She's a huge reason why we've been been able to attract so many great people to our team, and one of the reasons why we're blessed to work with such wonderful clients. 

If I were to choose three traits that best describe Chris, here are the top 3 that come to mind: 

Chris is generous.

For those of you who have had the opportunity to work with Chris, you know her to be a generous person. She's generous with her time, her personal attention, her appreciation for your concerns, and generous with her support. Whether you're a team member or a client, she's always looking out for your best interests and always offering to help. 

Chris is hard-working. 

Chris has an incredibly consistent work ethic. She shows up every day and is intentional with her time and her focus. She's a student of her profession who's always in learning mode and always working on her craft. When there is a problem, Chris figures out how to address it, and always with integrity and by respecting the concerns of others.  

Chris is humble. 

Because Chris is generous and hard-working, it's no surprise she's built a successful career in real estate. And yet throughout her career she has always been incredibly humble. Because she is humble, Chris is always focused on helping her team members and serving her clients. She's been such a great role model for all of us these last 10 years. 

Ten year later

Since Chris first joined us 10 years ago, our team has grown to include 6 real estate agents, two marketing professionals, and a few other important collaborators who help us with projects and customer service. And like Chris, every contributor to our team is a generous, hard-working, and humble person. I believe that's no accident. I believe it's a great example of how someone with a positive mindset and positive habits can positively influence those around her (most of all, me).  

Thank's to Chris's influence, we now have a collection of people on our team who all act as positive role models for each other. We all have our own unique skills and quirks for sure, but we're always doing our best to support each other and serve our clients. What a blessing this is, at a moment in time like this. Thank you Chris, and thank you to all of you on our team who show up and give your best each day. It is an honor and a privilege to work with you.