24 Questions to Ask a Real Estate Agent Before You Hire One


It’s been said that selecting a real estate agent is much like dating. During that first meeting, you’re asking them questions to determine if it’ll be a good fit. With an agent, you are trusting someone with what is most likely one of the largest and most important decisions a person can make. It’s more than business — to be successful, both sellers and buyers must feel a connection with the agent.

Like a relationship, you want to perceive genuine empathy from the agent, get a sense of trust from your interactions, and have a communication style that meshes. Choosing the wrong agent, or a bad agent, could be one of the most costly mistakes you’ll ever make.

No pressure, right? But it doesn’t have to be an arduous process. Here are 24 questions to ask a real estate agent to help you find the best professional for your needs and secure the most profitable deal possible.

We Find the Agent, You Interview Them

Narrow down your search for a real estate agent to only the best. HomeLight analyzes over 27 million transactions and thousands of reviews, then matches you with two to three top candidates in the area to interview.

Initial questions to ask a real estate agent during an interview

Having a great agent is important, so sellers need to make sure they’re working with someone who will hit all the marks. In a recent HomeLight survey, agents reported that sellers need to get back to the basics of home prep, staging, marketing, and pricing — the bread and butter of experienced agents’ expertise — to convince hesitant homebuyers to take the plunge.

Can I see your real estate license?

This simple question ensures you’re working with a trained, accredited professional. No reputable agent will have an issue showing you proof of their license to sell in your area. If they can’t deliver, feel free to move on.

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