Just Mortgages welcomes record number of attendees to academy - Mortgage Introducer


This is the final academy of 2021, and over the year Just Mortgages will have trained over 65 brokers.

These applicants have come from a wide variety of backgrounds, with recent graduates including those from the hospitality industry, dentistry and estate agents.

The course varies slightly depending on the experience of the attendees.

Those without CeMap1 take a five-week course, the first two-weeks of which are focused on achieving their CeMap1 qualification.

Those who have CeMap1 already join for the final three weeks which builds upon the CeMap1 qualification, developing a range of skills that will enable them to succeed in the market.

These skills include developing an understanding of the sales process, how to build rapport with clients and effective questioning to understand clients’ needs.

Alongside learning about mortgages, the course places equal importance on protection, so brokers understand how crucial it is that clients are covered.

Those who complete the course will be further supported following the recent addition of Heidi Smith as a member of the learning and development team.

As adviser development manager, Smith’s responsibility is to look after all new academy graduates for the first few months of their career.

Rodney Sloan, head of training for Just Mortgages, said: “We want to help as many people into the industry as possible, and that is why we have expanded the course to accommodate 18 people.

“Competition for places on our academy is incredibly tough. Every course we struggle to decide who deserves a place.

“Although we could conduct courses with larger groups via video conferencing, we don’t want to compromise on the quality of our training.

“By conducting the training in person, everyone on the course gets time to discuss any queries with the team, and the other trainee brokers.

“It is a source of massive pride that we support new blood coming into the mortgage industry through our academy, and this year we have trained more brokers than ever before.

“Next year we will build on this, and continue to bring talent into the sector.”