Skipton launches five-year fixed mortgages | Mortgage Strategy


Skipton Building Society is launching a new range of five-year fixed rate mortgages tomorrow, 4 October.

The range includes a 95% LTV product, which it says maintains its commitment to backing first-time buyers.

With existing customers unaffected by last week’s temporary withdrawal, this 5-year fixed rate range offers the following new choice in the marketplace for new customers:

•            Residential 75% LTV, £995 fee, 5.85% (with a max loan of £3m)

•            Residential 80% LTV, £995 fee, 5.89%

•            Residential 90% LTV, £995 fee, 5.99%

•            First Homes England 95% LTV, £495 fee, 5.95%

Skipton’s Head of Mortgage Products Charlotte Harrison says: “After temporarily withdrawing from the market last week, we promised we’d return as quickly as we could and that’s what we’re doing. We’ve prioritised getting 5-year fixes into the market first, as our broker partners are telling us that’s what their clients need most.

“Being member owned, we’re not answerable to shareholders. This means all the decisions we make are based on the long-term best interest of the Society and our customers. Having protected our service levels and repriced our range following the changing market conditions, I’m pleased we’re back continuing to support borrowers during such fluctuating times.”

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