Reliance Bank links up with Knowledge Bank | Mortgage Introducer


Gareth Byrne (pictured), head of mortgages for Reliance Bank, said: “I am delighted to partner up with Knowledge Bank, we see this as another way to help advisers find our residential criteria.

“More and more people are looking to borrow money in a socially responsible way. That’s exactly what your clients can expect with Reliance Bank.”

Matthew Corker, lender relationship manager for Knowledge Bank, added: “Speaking with Gareth and the team, their passion for socially responsible lending really shone through.

“Reliance Bank’s common-sense lending approach together with their broad range of criteria including shared ownership and first-time buyer focussed products are great for brokers.

“We’re thrilled to partner with them and make their entire residential criteria available to all of our users. I genuinely think this lender will be a great addition to Knowledge Bank.”