It's a great time to buy when the snow flies


Most of us don't associate the month of December with buying a home, but the holiday season is actually one of the best times to be shopping for real estate. That's because there's much less competition from other buyers during the month of December, and some sellers become very motivated during the holiday season. Plus, new listings do enter the market each week, even when it's cold outside and most people are focused on the holidays. Last, there's the added bonus of lower moving costs. Many moving companies offer better pricing when business slows each winter. 

Have you been thinking about buying a home in 2020? 

Give us a call and tell us more about your dream home. We'll send you the listings that match your criteria, and if you'd like, we'll show you a few properties. Who knows, you just might find your dream home right in time for the holidays - and without any bidding wars or competition. 

Check out our Madison, Wisconsin buyer's blog for many more home-buying tips.