Time to Pay it Forward


We are nearing the end of a year that has been challenging for many and surprisingly abundant for others.  

We feel blessed and filled with gratitude for our abundance. We are especially grateful for our relationships, the support of family, friends, colleagues, clients, and our community. In the spirit of giving back, we look for opportunities to give back to those who need a hand. Because no one should go without for Christmas, we have continued our yearly donation of 100 Turkeys to the Mustard Seed Food Bank, we have also funded and will serve over 600 Christmas meals at Our Place. We funded our annual Christmas in July for Our Place too. Together with our office, RE/MAX Alliance, we are once again participating in the Festival of Trees (check out the trees and Vote for your favorite at The Bay Centre) with all proceeds (as well as a donation from every home we sell all year every year) to BC Children’s Hospital. We have also again donated $5,000 to Santa’s Anonymous to fund two hundred, $25 toys for children.

Finally, in lieu of our Annual Client Appreciation Skate with Santa or a Night at the IMAX,  this Christmas we would like to invite you to gift an individual or family in need, one of twenty, $250 gift cards courtesy of our team. Please contact us if you know someone who needs help this year and would like to pass along our gift.

To find out more about our philosophy on Gratitude Click HerePlease share our message, pay it forward and practice gratitude however you are able