Merry Christmas and thank you! | Mortgage Strategy


As 2020 draws to a close, we reflect on what has been a year of many new challenges, difficulties and heartbreak.

I’m sure the news of further restrictions for so many of us was a very difficult pill to swallow for those who will be unable to see their family and loved ones at Christmas.

But we have overcome so much already that we need to use whatever resilience we have left to take on what we hope is the final hurdle in putting this pandemic behind us.

We have all been holding out for this year to end and, while 2021 won’t imminently bring a miraculous return to our pre-pandemic lives, there is reason to feel optimistic of a semblance of normality coming back before the end of next year.

I want to thank you all sincerely for your support of Mortgage Strategy this year; the publishing sector has taken a massive hit since March and given the many obstacles you have all faced in the industry, your support is appreciated more than ever to keep our brand going.

Mortgage Strategy is closing today for Christmas and will be back on the 4 January, with the next magazine published in early February.

Merry Christmas and a very happy new year to all our readers and friends. Once we have made it through all this madness, we hope to see you all to celebrate!

Rebekah Commane EditorMortgage Strategy

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