Ami plans mentoring programme for mortgage industry - Mortgage Finance Gazette


The sector-wide scheme is currently under development and will see the industry come together for 1-2-1 and reverse mentoring opportunities. The announcement comes on International Mentoring Day, today, 17 January.

Ami says mentoring programmes allow people to take ownership of their own personal and professional development, increase confidence, can help improve diversity and understanding and provide great opportunities for knowledge sharing. 

The use of mentoring programmes was one of the recommendations from the 2021 Ami Viewpoint report on Diversity, Inclusion and Equity in the mortgage industry to help address barriers to career progression. 

Ami chief executive Robert Sinclair says: “Creating open minds, wider opportunities and building confidence is a core part of any mentoring programme.  Identifying how you can find the right roles and develop is at the heart of a fulfilling work experience.

“Ami, through its website and soon to be launched mentoring programme, hopes to build new pathways for a wider group of people to see our sector as a great place to work.” 

For anyone interested in joining the initiative, find out more at the ‘get involved’ section of the Working in Mortgages website.