Source Insurance launches Lunch and Learn series | Mortgage Introducer


Learning at Work Week is co-ordinated by Campaign for Learning, this national week aims to develop a culture of lifelong learning at work.

Along the theme of ‘lifelong learning at work’, these sessions have been created to help brokers towards building a growth mindset and making the most out of their business.

Topics include building rapport, cross-selling skills, objective setting, time is money, personal resilience and networking skills.

With a mixture of webinars and interactive workshops, brokers will be introduced to a range of tools they can utilise to hone their interpersonal skills and help them to enhance their sales process.

Lee Denton, associate sales director at Source Insurance, said: “Advisers talk to us about what they feel they need additional help and support on.

“Some of the common things are the softer skills like time management and cross-selling of ancillary products.

“This series of modules will be really useful in providing tools to help with a broker’s business.”

Tania Frowen, managing director of Source Insurance, added: “I always encourage people to study… it just takes work, determination and commitment.

“Never think you know it all, and be willing to listen and learn. Take the risk and give it a go – perseverance leads to success.”