Cirencester Friendly reports growth as membership increases | Mortgage Introducer


Membership increased to over 42,000 and premium income rose from £18.2m in 2018 to £19.9m in 2019, an increase of 9.1%.

Being a mutual organisation, which is owned by and run for the benefit of its Members, 49% of this premium income was returned to members through claims, bonuses, interest and other benefits. Total funds reached £153.8m, a 6.3% increase on 2018.

2019 saw 95.7% of all claims paid, during a year which also saw Children’s Critical Illness Support, a new member benefit introduced. This new benefit provides a lump sum of £2,500, if a member’s child is diagnosed with one of ten listed Critical Illnesses.

Paul Hudson (pictured), chief executive at Cirencester Friendly, said: “I am pleased to report that premium income, membership and funds under management have all increased in what was a very successful year for Cirencester Friendly, a year in which we also relocated to a new purpose-built head office.

“We are proud to provide exceptional support to our members and advisers, through our high claims paid ratio, bonuses and growing additional benefits including Children’s Critical Illness Support.

“The excellent results are a testament to the exceptional support from Financial Advisers, backed by the hard work of the Society’s employees.

“In what has been a quite extraordinary start to the year, the Society remains in a very strong position both financially and operationally to support our members and the independent financial advisers we work alongside.

“With the wonderful commitment and dedication of the Society’s employees, I am confident we can maintain our servicing levels and be there for our members when they need us most”

Andy Morris, finance director at Cirencester Friendly, added: “2019 represented a record year for the Society, in terms of business growth, balance sheet stability and membership.

“In these challenging times, it is reassuring to know that the enhanced financial strength and resilience of the Society means we can be there to support our members now and long into the future. I am very proud to be able to present these results to our loyal members and committed staff.”