Mortgage industry marks World Mental Health Day | Mortgage Strategy


To mark World Mental Health Day, today 10 October, firms across the mortgage industry are hosting activities and endeavours to help employees.

Last year the Mortgage Industry Mental Health Charter (MIMHC) was launched with the aim of providing guidance and a framework for businesses across the industry to support the mental health of their employees.

Crystal Specialist Finance and co-founder of MIMHC Jason Berry says: “It is a changing and turbulent time in the market at the moment, which every broker and mortgage specialist will understand.

As well as leading to lots of uncertainty, new product launches, old products being pulled and potential deals left hanging, these factors can also take their toll on a broker’s mental health.

“With World Mental Health Day upon us today we have to remind ourselves that these changing factors can also have an impact on the well-being of employees and colleagues as they grapple with the changing landscape that comes with their job.

“Yearly, we publish a review by MIMHC which looks to demonstrate how the mortgage industry is performing against key mental health metrics and whether the sector is progressing and improving the well-being of staff.

“As with any well-being issue, there is a lot of work for all of us across the mortgage industry to undertake in order to provide more substantial support to the mental health and well-being of our colleagues.

“But, especially in these changing times, and with the potential stresses and strains that come with it, our collective mental health and wellbeing has never been more important. . The fundamentals of providing employees with good working conditions that encourage a healthy work-life balance with opportunities for development and promoting effective people management will ensure there is a focus on physical and mental well-being as well as performance, which in turn, will benefit the wider industry.”

Throughout this week, the Brightstar Group is hosting a variety of activities that could help to improve employee mental wellbeing, including talk sessions, aromatherapy, at-desk massages and ‘mentally healthy’ breakfasts.

Director of people development Clare Jupp says: “At the Brightstar Group, we continue to take mental health and the wellbeing of our people very seriously and we are using World Mental Health Day to further promote awareness of mental health issues and wellbeing amongst the team.

“At Sirius there will be a strong focus on recognising, living with and supporting those who experience depression: ‘living with the black dog’. Indeed, ever since Winston Churchill popularised the phrase ‘Black Dog’ to describe the bouts of depression he experienced for much of his life, it has become the shorthand for the disease that millions of people endure. In residence at the London office will be one of SANE’S thirteen black dogs which act as symbols of tackling the stigma of mental health all over the country. Aptly, one of these dogs is named SIRIUS. Through our talking groups led by our mental health first aiders and those who have or who are experiencing depression and other mental health challenges, we hope to build awareness and offer support.”

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