The Money Group restructures board | Mortgage Strategy


The Money Group has announced its new board makeup.

Martin Stewart has been named chief executive and Scott Thorpe group managing director.

Thorpe says that this new structure will enable himself and Stewart “To refocus on the overall plans of the group,” which includes plans to develop a bridging arm and an in-house conveyancing service.

So far this year, TMG has hired Dave Corbett from Primis to work as its recruitment and brand development director and Paul Lewis from Mansfield Building Society, now managing director of TMG’s mortgage club.

Thorpe says: “We already have great brand directors in place who with the help of Dave [Corbett] are already making significant progress with their own business targets. We are also currently speaking with six new potential partners.

On the club front, Paul [Lewis] has hit the ground running and such has been the demand we are having to phase in lenders so that we can provide the service we have promised.”

And Stewart comments: “Our ambition has always been to become a significant player within financial services. We never wanted to be here just making up the numbers.

“TMG is an exciting place to be right now and in four short weeks we have already seen the quality and results that Paul [Lewis] and Dave [Corbett] are contributing to the wider group.

“My role will now be to ensure the brand has a clear vision and the ability to broaden its offering while Scott [Thorpe]’s role will see him driving forward with his ideas and innovation and delivering on the plans we agree on at board level.”

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