Test your job application capabilities


Potential employers are most likely to be wowed by a CV that is


A standout CV will include:


Your CV will make the best impression if


You’ve mastered the CV, now to the cover letter. What does it need to stand out?


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It’s time to interview. In your mind


To avoid pre-interview jitters you should:


Phew – interview done and dusted. Next steps are


The secret to interview success is


Test your job application capabilities You got %%score%% of %%total%% right!

Applying for a new job can be frustrating and daunting but with the right preparation, some research, and confidence it doesn’t have to be so scary.

When applying for a job, keep in mind that an employer’s first impression of you is on paper, so it’s important your CV and cover letter are accurate, clear and represent you in the best way. That doesn’t mean you have to lose the personality, just find smart ways to overlay this important detail.

A cover letter still needs to be concise, but gives you more space to show your personality and express why you are interested in the job. Depending on the job you are applying for, tailor your cover letter to the company. Get creative – show the employer why you’re different and convince them why it would it be a mistake for them not to interview you (avoiding the glitter bombs though).

If you lock in an interview, see this as a big win and ride the confidence wave. Just remember punctuality, preparation and confidence is key. Plan ahead so you’re on time and avoid added stress by rushing to the location. Research the company and even the person who is interviewing you. It shows you are genuinely interested, organised and passionate about the line of work you’re in and is also a great topic of conversation.

A key thing to remember is that the company took the time to contact you; they’re interested in what you’ll bring to their business, so stay strong and appear confident even if you do have some interview nerves. And don’t forget to ask questions – you should think of an interview as a forum to test your theory of the company. If you don’t like it, it’s not right!

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