National Aviation Day Palm Beach County


National Aviation Day is August 19, 2021.  It celebrates the “12 seconds that changed the world”!  Former president Franklin D. Roosevelt was the creator of National Aviation Day, deciding for the first time in 1939 that the nation should celebrate the growth and advancements being made in aviation. Get to your local private aviation facility in Palm Beach County and get your “wings”.

National Aviation Day is also Orville Wright's birthday. Mr. Wright, born in 1871, he and his Wilbur Wright developed the world's first successful airplane. Orville was still alive when the proclamation was first issued, and he lived nine more years. 

The national holiday is to memorialize Orville and Wilbur Wright’s first in the world successfully achieve powered flight in a heavier than air machine, on December 17, 1903, at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.  Look at the advancement of aviation through programs, activities, education, and the arts.

If you are interested in getting your pilot's license, contact