10 Physically Distant Outdoor Activities to Enjoy This Winter | Mortgage Investors Group


10 Physically Distant Outdoor Activities to Enjoy This Winter

Social distancing was much easier when it was warmer. Now that cooler weather is here, you may be worrying that you won’t be able to safely see your friends and family as much as before. However, there are several outdoor activities that are fun even when it’s cold. You just need a warm coat and some creativity! Here are some physically distant activities that you can do to stay social – and safe – this winter.

Plan a Dog-Walking Date

Wait for a sunny day and ask a companion or two to meet you at the park with their four-legged friends. That way you and your pooch can get some exercise, and you can visit with your friends at the same time. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how invigorating a brisk walk can be in cooler temperatures.

Catch a Drive-In Movie

Is there a flick you’ve been wanting to see? Invite a friend or member of your family to the drive-in. Since the pandemic began, this old pastime has become new again. Take some snacks and enjoy the entertainment.

Bike Around Your Town

If you don’t have a bike, find a place to rent one and take to the trails around your city. Invite a friend or two to go on the adventure with you. Pick an area that’s scenic and safe, and pedal your way to a better frame of mind. If you’re not used to exercising, be sure to take frequent breaks, and pack a large bottle of water for the trip.

Host a Small Brunch

Afternoon is typically the warmest time of day, which is perfect for a late brunch. Set up a couple of tables on your porch or patio that provide for ample social distancing, and extend an invitation to a few friends or neighbors. Cook up some delicious brunch food and hand out some drinks, like mimosas or Poinsettia Champagne Cocktails.

Hold a Scavenger Hunt

Need some entertainment for an afternoon? Text some friends a few days ahead to see who’s in for a scavenger hunt. Write out a handful of clues and tasks, and then hide them around town. Everyone who participates needs to take photos of the clues and them performing the tasks. The first one who completes them all wins bragging rights. Have a Zoom after-party to celebrate the winner.

Hike in the Mountains

Drive to the mountains and choose a trail based on your skill level. Remember the more strenuous the trail, the less likely it will be crowded. Ask your spouse or a friend to join you for what’s sure to be a celebration of nature. Don’t forget your camera!

Do Some Good

Round up some willing participants and volunteer at one of the many worthy causes around town. Hand out coats to the homeless, clean up litter at a park or playground, or deliver food to the elderly. You’ll feel good about yourself, get to socialize, and help the less fortunate all at the same time.

Plan a Cold-Weather Picnic

Pack up some of your favorite cold-weather food and head to the nearest park with a couple of friends. Bring several blankets to allow for social distancing, and set out your feast. Pack a thermos of hot chocolate, and don’t forget some lively music to add to the fun.

Dine Outdoors

Some restaurants are still offering outdoor seating close to fire pits or electric heaters. Find one with tasty eats and meet a friend there to enjoy a meal and catch up. It will be a nice evening out and a welcome break from cooking at home.

Throw a Frisbee, Play Some Tennis

If you enjoy more active games, get a game of Frisbee going in your backyard or at a local park. Or grab your rackets and head to the tennis courts for a game or two. You’ll burn off some energy, get to visit with your challenger, and enjoy some good-spirited competition.

Just because the weather is colder and the quarantine is still in effect doesn’t mean you have to hole up in your house until spring. Make plans with a few people to pursue some outdoor activities. A few hours visiting with people you enjoy being around, while still wearing masks and maintaining a safe distance, will make all the difference in your outlook on life.

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