Death-by-Success. How to Avoid it and Scale your Real Estate Business


Scale. You hear it a lot, you know it’s important, actually…critical for growing successfully, but what does it actually look like in a thriving real estate business? Essentially, it boils down to systems, and whether or not your business has them. 


Optimizing your Business for Success

You know that lead generation is the lifeblood of your business. You’re investing in it appropriately, and it starts to pay off. Suddenly, you’ve got a real pipeline. That means lots of people with lots of different needs that need attention and engagement. Are you able to handle them, and earn the money that comes from them, or will things go downhill quickly in death-by-success fashion? 


Let’s take a look at some business models: 


Seat-of-Pants Real Estate Company 

  • You’re doing the right things, investing in lead generation, nurturing your leads appropriately.
  • As you get more leads and clients, your revenue grows, but so are your costs. Quickly.
  • Overhead from hiring more staff, spending on more day-to-day necessities, and most importantly, spending excessive amounts of time trying to run it all.

It gets ugly, and soon you find you’re overworked, stuck focusing on the wrong things, and wholly unable to handle the increasing demands of your success. 


Superhero Scalable Real Estate Company

  • You’re doing the right things, investing in lead generation, systems, and services to support your efforts.
  • As you get more clients and customers, your revenue grows and your costs stay down, including the time you spend running everything.
  • You’ve optimized your business to offload the admin work, but ensure everything is taken care of.

This frees you up to invest more time in the things that grow your business. The relationships, the showings, the closings, the Getting-It-Done.  


The Critical Systems to Scale your Real Estate Success

The right systems and services empower your business and give you the power to scale successfully: Leveraging technology and service teams to offload the heavy lifting of administrative work. As your pipeline fills, the needs of your leads don’t lessen. There will be exponentially more qualifying calls, follow-up emails, nurture campaigns… and you need to maintain the crucial speed-to-lead to beat the competition. This isn’t a sustainable model for busy agents. 


But you can offload things like this to experts. You can let qualified folks act as an extension of your business (without making any more hires), and handle your leads for you. This ensures every lead is responded to, 24/7 within 90 seconds. It also ensures that you’re not wasting time chasing cold leads, and instead, working transaction-ready leads, and doing what you do best: closing deals. 


Most people don’t know this is a problem until they’re overworked, burnt out, and their numbers are deteriorating. 


If every deal you make requires the same amount of time and effort as the previous deal, your real estate business does not scale. 


Use the tools you have available to help you grow your business and live your life. 


Learn how BoomTown can help.