Clydesdale Bank reduces product rates | Mortgage Introducer


Notable reductions include selected 80% loan-to-value (LTV) two and 5-year fixed rates cut by up to 0.08%, and selected 85% LTV two and 5-year fixes reduced by up to 0.28%.

As well as this, Clydesdale has also reduced rates on exclusive 90% LTV 2- and 5-year fixed rate deals by up to 0.20%, and on professional and newly qualified professional 90% LTV 2- and 5-year fixed by up to 0.10%.

Earlier this week Virgin Money and Clydesdale Bank relaunched their 10-day application to offer service commitment.

The commitment means that both lenders will issue an offer to a broker’s customer within 10 days of receiving a fully packaged application or give them £100.