Halifax: 31% of adults feel more pride in their home following lockdown | Mortgage Introducer


A further 36% reported feeling a greater sense of community among their neighbours.

People living in detached houses have felt the greatest increase in ties to their community and neighbours (43%), followed by those in semi-detached houses (41%), bungalows (36%), terraced houses (31%) and flats or apartments (26%).

Those aged 55 and over are more likely to have noticed an improved sense of community (38%) compared to those aged between 18 and 24 (31%).

This positive trend is seen despite two-thirds (66%) living through the COVID-19 lockdown in a home without a dedicated space to work or study, rising to 70% for those under 25.

One in 10 (8%) British adults have been experiencing lockdown with no outdoor space.

A further 14% either share a garden or outdoor space (7%) or have a balcony or terrace (7%).

Almost a fifth of those surveyed have been seeing out lockdown in a flat (18%), and a further fifth (22%) in a terraced house.

Two-fifths are in a property with three bedrooms (40%), but almost a tenth only have one (9%).

A further 6% are living in a property with five bedrooms or more.

The majority (71%), said they have no plans to move from their current property, post-lockdown.

Those in bungalows are most inclined to stay put (86%), compared to 75% in semi-detached properties, 71% in terraced houses, and 53% of those in flats and apartments.

Of the very small number who were planning on moving, but have since reconsidered (3%), the most common reason is due to a change in financial circumstances (37%), whilst 21% have fallen back in love with their property, after spending an increased amount of time in it.

For those who are planning on pushing ahead with a move when possible, the main driver was needing more space (30%), or seeing faults after spending so much time at home (22%).

When asked more generally about moving, UK adults agreed indoor and outdoor space would be the main driving factors (13% and 15%), and almost a tenth (9%) said they would like to move to a less populated part of the country.

Almost a quarter (24%) of respondents now have a greater desire to work from home, although 10% have found that this desire has decreased since lockdown.

Russell Galley, managing director at Halifax, said: “Lockdown will have been a difficult time for many, particularly for the one in 10 who don’t have access to outdoor space.

“However, it’s cheering to see that almost a third of people feel more positive about their home following lockdown, and a greater sense of community with their neighbours, a testament to our ability to keep optimistic, and come together, in the face of challenging circumstances.”