Owning your real estate career


Over the years it's been our observation that the most successful real estate agents assume a strong sense of ownership over their career. These agents know it's not the market that determines their path. It's what they bring to the market.

One way to think of this is in terms of the foundation upon which your career is built. Are you continually building and reinforcing your foundation in real estate? Here are 5 ways you can build your own solid foundation and take control of your career.

5 ways to assume ownership over your real estate career

1) Cultivate a positive mental attitude. Many successful agents work constantly on their positive mental attitude which sustains them day-after-day and year-after-year in the competitive field of real estate. They're able to stay positive because they find their purpose in serving and helping others. They have goals that are focused on serving, and they engage in regular routines which keep them on a positive path. Journaling, exercise, meditation, and reading for growth - many top agents engage in these and other daily habits in order to stay centered and on track.

2) Grow your reputation. With the foundation of a positive mental attitude in place, many high-performing agents work with purpose on their reputation. They consistently serve each client to their highest and best ability, knowing each client they serve is not only an opportunity to make an impact, but a chance to enhance their reputation in the community. They know their daily focus on service is key to building their reputation and growing a successful referral-based business.

3) Invest in your relationships. The highest-performing agents also work daily to maintain and improve their personal relationships. They have a database of key relationships, which they consistently grow and nurture over time. They stay top of mind with their contacts by systematically serving their friends, family members, and former clients with items of value. Monthly newsletters, monthly market reports, quarterly events, and quarterly gifting programs are all good examples of how many top agents bring value to their database.

4) Enhance your skills. The most productive agents are able to stay on top because they're always working to improve their skills. They take advantage of quality training programs, and they actively learn from their peers who model good skills and habits. Many successful agents also participate in coaching programs and listen to podcasts in order to stay sharp and on top of their game.

5) Create content. This often gets overlooked, but a small percentage of agents use their knowledge and experience to create valuable content for the marketplace. Examples of content include videos, articles, and social media content. Taking this a step further, they use their content to build assets which have staying power and reinforce their reputation in the community. Examples of assets include a website, blog, YouTube channel, or even a podcast.

Owning your career is a daily commitment

Owning your real estate career requires a daily commitment to your craft and a long-term focus. It may be tempting to believe otherwise, but there are no shortcuts. Your success in real estate is earned by showing up every day and committing to your craft every day.

If this philosophy resonates with you, we believe the sky is the limit for you and we'd love to help you achieve your highest potential. Please feel free to call Ann at 608-575-7614 or Dan at 608-852-7071. We'll keep our conversation confidential as we explore the opportunities on our real estate team.