Bailey to exit Hope Capital | Mortgage Strategy


Hope Capital managing director Gary Bailey is set to exit the bridging lender after close to three years.

Bailey joined Hope in January 2019 after 20 years as sales director at specialist lender Together and 18 months running a consultancy in both the regulated and unregulated mortgage sectors.

Hope Capital chief executive Jonathan Sealey says: “Gary joined us to develop and execute a business growth strategy. Despite the economic and market challenges over the past three years, he has kept us focussed, introduced insightful data analysis and transformed the business, enabling us to react to the unprecedented challenges with great success.

“During his time, we have introduced a range of colleague benefits, secured our largest ever distribution, a record performing loan book, and now he leaves us with the strongest ever-increasing business pipeline that we have had in our 11-year history. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time working with Gary, he has succeeded in putting in place everything required to bring the business to this pre-determined point. Hope can now confidently drive forward with the rest of the plan. His support and direction leaves Hope Capital in a great position to continue this growth.”

Bailey thanked the team who he worked with during his tenure at Hope Capital.

“I am proud of my contribution to the current and future success of Hope Capital,” says Bailey. “I’m delighted that I leave with a great brand, excellent service, progressive infrastructure, and strong values. The innovative proposition and outstanding diversified product range, with more to come shortly, places them in a strong market leading position to grow even further”.

“I have had the privilege of helping build, mentor and work with a great team, who live the company values, and I’d like to thank them all for their support. I’m truly looking forward to seeing the success of their onward journey.

“On a personal note, I’d like to thank Jonathan [Sealey] for this opportunity, it has been a privilege to work with him and the rest of the Board”.

“Moving forward, I have no specific plans, at this time.  I will look at opportunities as they arrive. With over 30 years’ experience in specialist lending, I have a wealth of transferable skills, knowledge and experience, across both the unregulated and regulated lending sectors, helping to guide businesses through periods of change, development and growth, whilst delivering excellent service and quality customer outcomes. I’m really looking forward to having positive conversations with business leaders”.

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