A Sculpture Garden Oasis in Palm Beach


A sculpture garden oasis in the middle of Palm Beach. Located on Society of the Four Arts campus, at the corner of Royal Palm Way and Cocoanut Row is the Philip Hulitar Sculpture Garden and Four Arts Botanical Gardens. This historic landmark is located inside the entrance gate on Four Arts Plaza and is adjacent to the King Library. The beloved gardens have offered an outstanding botanical garden experience since 1938.  Meander along splendid floral paths and discover the works of distinguished sculpture artists, ponds, and fountains within the Four Arts Campus. 

This serene and inspiring garden on Palm Beach mixes works of art with the natural masterworks of plant and flower. Follow the meandering cobbled walks and enjoy beautiful classic and contemporary sculptures collected from around the world. Wide stone walkways will lead you to individually themed garden rooms, adorned with vine-covered pergolas, flowering shrubs, and graceful palms. 

Per county ordinance regarding COVID-19, groups of more than 10 will not be permitted to enter the gardens. Visitors are asked to adhere to CDC guidelines while in the gardens or on The Four Arts campus, which includes the wearing of face masks or coverings while also maintaining six feet of distance from anyone outside their household.