The Breakers offers Gallery National Tour Palm Beach


Park West Gallery made a stop on its national tour at The Breakers in Palm Beach from June 24 to 27, 2021. The traveling fine art gallery featured three prominent artists in last weekends pop-up exhibition. If you missed the gallery tour, you could visit the gallery online here. 

Some of the artists featured on the South Florida leg of the tour featured were:

Cris X’s artwork pops with the radiant candy colors of his metallic finishes. He is best known for his custom painted sea life and paintings on aluminum and is licensed by Disney. 

The “Rock Star of the Art World,” Godard captivates audiences all over the world with his colorful and playful artwork. His pieces are on permanent display on board every U.S. Navy aircraft carrier and in the Officer’s Lounge in the Pentagon. He also dedicates much of his life’s work to helping families fighting cancer by working closely with the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital after losing his 16-year-old daughter to brain cancer in 2006.

Formally educated in both art and music, Duaiv channels his inspiration from Impressionist artists like Claude Money and Vincent Van Gogh to create uplifting, colorful paintings.

The renowned French Surrealist and long-time Park West artist François Boucheix lives in the spa town of Vichy, France. In this scenic locale, art lovers can visit the Musée Boucheix, a large private museum dedicated to the display and sale of Boucheix’s joyfully, unconventional art. Enjoy a tour of the virtual gallery here.