Backyard Essentials for Kids - CompassBlog


With typical summer fun tabled for the foreseeable future, what will you do with the kids to keep them happy all summer?  Things will be different, but they don’t have to be difficult!  Here are four backyard essentials to help you and your family make the most of the season—despite the current circumstances.

Comfort Caddy: Being outside is rejuvenating in the summer months, but it’s important to protect your kids from the elements! Save yourself time and frustration, and keep essentials like sunscreen, bug spray, sunglasses, and water bottles contained in a small caddy in an area that’s easy to access all day. You can even fill a spray bottle to use for a quick and cooling spritz!  Bring it in at night to clean up and refill for the next day!

Water Play: Nothing says summer like water! Even if public pools aren’t an option, there are lots of ways to cool off at home.  These are a game-changer when it comes to filling water balloons fast, and if you set up an inflatable pool in the backyard, place a smaller container of water near the entrance so kids can rinse their feet before entering.  This will keep grass and mud out of the swimming water so you can enjoy it longer!

Something to Grow: Create a space where kids can be in charge of the growing! Provide them with all the necessary tools—a hand shovel, seeds and a watering can will do—and set them off! They’ll learn patience and perseverance and feel a sense of pride once they see the payoff of hard work. Sunflowers, mint, rosemary, and zucchini are all easy to grow and yield impressive results.

Sweet Reward: Celebrate summer as a family with a fire at the end of the night and a delicious treat! If you love s’mores but hate dealing with the sticky mess afterwards,  try ‘walking s’mores’.  Sprinkle chocolate chips into a bag of Teddy Grahams, roast a marshmallow and then squish it into the bag and eat with a fork.  A tasty reward without the mess!