Home Loan Mortgage specialists in Orlando


I take great pride as a Realtor in Orlando for having an incredible relationship with other professionals in the industry. It’s important to be able to trust the ones you work with.  As an airline pilot, I have to trust that everyone is doing their collective jobs, otherwise bad things can happen.  Over the years, I have had my share of bad experiences with banks, Realtors, Contractors, etc.  Let’s face it, there are some good, reliable professionals out there and some, well, not so good.

Here are two of my favorite Mortgage Specialists.  I can say without reservation that they have been consistent, caring, competent, consummate professionals.  You want these individuals and the companies they represent, in your corner.  Keep in mind, we receive no kick backs or discounts or anything in return.  I just cannot over emphasize the importance of having the right people on your side.  Who you work with matters!

Here are my favorites in Orlando.  They are the best at what they do and I highly recommend them. Call me if you have any questions.



Re/Max Prime Properties



Orlando Mortgage Specialists

Terri Hatfield-Dull


Certified Mortgage Planners

[email protected]


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Sean DePasquale


Family Mortgage Team

[email protected]


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