How to Effectively Stage Your Home in the Winter | The Mortgage Advisors


Even during the dead of winter, you can still make your property look impressive to potential buyers who are on the hunt for a new home. Though there may be snow and sub-zero temperatures to deal with, you can effectively stage your home in the winter to make it stand out from the crowd by creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. To get yours ready for your open house this season, here are some ways to make it look attractive to buyers during the winter.

Spruce Up the Exterior

Curb appeal is a big deal for making good first impressions, even during the winter. You want any potential buyers to be immediately impressed by what they see as soon as they walk up the entranceway. So make sure the exterior is dressed to impress. Shovel the pathways so they are clear and safe from snow and ice. Add lights along the garden to highlight trees and the doorway. String some garland around the banister or add winter planters beside the door to greet guests before they enter. This will set the stage and get them excited before they step inside.

Make It Look Cozy

Open houses are all about creating that cozy vibe that buyers want to feel in a home. One effective way to make your home warm and inviting is being strategic with the lighting. Use lamps and dimmers over bright, stark lights. Place candles along the coffee table and mantle. Add warm throws to the bedrooms and living room. And use a touch of holiday décor to add some colour and cheer to your home. Just make sure you don’t go over the top with it. Keep it simple.

Make It Feel Warm

As soon as buyers walk inside, they should be greeted by a warm interior. So during those extra cold evenings, make sure the heat is revved. If you have a fireplace, don’t let it go to waste either! It’s a focal point and a favourite selling feature, so take advantage of it by lighting it before visitors arrive. 

Eliminate Excess Clutter

A crowded home filled with furniture and knick-knacks looks messy and off-putting. Whether your home is large or small, keep your set up simple with each piece of furniture serving a purpose and have only one or two items per tabletop. 

Make It Shine

Give your home a deep clean. That means mopping up any salt stains and getting into those crevices that have been neglected over the years. If you need help, hire a professional cleaner or ask a family member to assist you.

Whether you’re searching for your first home or are ready to upgrade, the Mortgage Advisors are here to help you find the right loan for your needs. Contact us today