Fresh Organic Honey Martin County


Hani Honey Company, in Martin County, is home to an award-winning apiary. An apiary is a location where hives of honeybees are kept. Hani Honey prides itself on “tending bees with care and placing the girls in optimal foraging environments to harvest fresh, Florida local, delicious, award-winning Wildflower Honey.”  It is located at 5219 S.E. Ebbtide Avenue, Stuart, and is family-owned.  Hani Honey Company specializes in producing honey from whatever is blooming in the region every season. It is an all-natural process without heat allowing all the bee's amazing work to remain in the natural honey.

An apiary characteristically consists of individual beehives. They move their bees to expose them to fresh food and water. The bees are taken great care of and are not treated with any pesticides or herbicides. The social life of a hive is astonishing. The queen bee, who will grow to be the mother of an entire colony. It is created by being fed "royal jelly" while she is still only a larva. There are tens of thousands of worker bees, and they are underdeveloped females with only a handful of the bees being male. The workers defend the hive by kamikaze means, stinging any intruder and dying as they do so. The wildflower honey at the Hani apiary contains Orange Blossom, Saw Palmetto, Mangrove, Brazilian Pepper, and other native plants that are in abundance. Buzz on over and check it out!